Singing Guide: Mack Brock & Matt Maher

Singing Guide: Mack Brock & Matt Maher

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning How to Sing Like Mack Brock and Matt Maher

Mack Brock and Matt Maher are famous singers with a unique vocal technique that resonates with many singers. If you're looking forward to learning how to sing like them, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Here's a step by step guide:

  • Find out your voice type
    Every singer's voice is unique, and finding out your voice type is key to improving your singing ability. offers a voice test that you can try to find out your voice type. It's easy and very helpful.
  • Breathing
    One of the most important aspects of singing is breathing. If you fail to breathe correctly, your voice will be strained, and it will be difficult to achieve the same level of vocal prowess as Matt Maher and Mack Brock. Breathing exercises are crucial to help you maintain a steady airflow when singing. You can find helpful breathing exercises on such as active and passive breathing and breath support.
  • Vocal Warm-ups
    Warming up your voice before singing is essential. A vocal warm-up will prevent injury, improve your vocal range, and make it easier to sing at higher and lower registers. You can start by humming, doing lip trills, and vocal exercises like twang exercises, mixed voice and voice break exercises, and sustain vocal exercises, to name a few. has a comprehensive pitch training program that includes a pitch visualizer that can help motivate you to keep improving.
  • Find the right posture
    Good posture when singing is crucial to allow your vocal cords to function at their best. You should maintain good body alignment and ensure your head is held high and in alignment with your feet. Check out Good Singing Posture video on our YouTube channel.
  • Sing your favorite songs
    Select songs to practice that require you to push outside of your comfort zone to build your singing skills, ultimately achieving the same level of control Mack Brock and Matt Maher have. has a vast library of songs that you can choose from, sorted by vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. You can check out our search engine and our artists page.
  • Incorporate Mack Brock and Matt Maher's unique vocal technique
    Mack Brock and Matt Maher have developed a unique vocal technique that you can incorporate into your singing. They exemplify stability when it comes to sustaining notes, breathing from the diaphragm, singing with vibrato, and practicing twang exercises, vibrato exercises, and chest voice exercises.


Singing like Mack Brock and Matt Maher may seem like an arduous task, but with a combination of proper breathing techniques, posture, and warm-ups, you can enhance your vocal ability to achieve a similar level while not sacrificing your unique voice. Also, offers several helpful articles, videos, and exercises that will help you in your journey. Check out our blog for more detailed analysis on breathing, voice type and a plethora of other topics.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.